I was going to do one of those ‘2013 in retrospect’ posts, but then I realised you’ve only got to go into the archives to see what I got up to. But, before I start banging on about 2014, there are a few people I met (and some I re-met) in 2013, who I’d like to do a ‘big-up’ to. In no particular order, I’m bestowing my Geeky New Year’s Honours at:

Sean with a good old British pint
Sean Cummings – author of the Poltergeek books and an all-round good egg, to boot. If he ever troubles these shores again, then get out there and go and see him. No fuss, no frills – just a top chap who writes top books.

Karen Saunders – we did Edinburgh together and I met up with her in Bath. Lovely to meet someone who panics as much as I do about events and she writes very funny books. Check out the Suzy P series and be prepared to cringe!
Jo Nadin – Jo was the chairperson for the event I did in Bath. She’s disarmingly cool and far more on top of things than I am. She writes the brilliant Rachel Riley books and probably knows more about Marvel heroes than I do – ask her why, if you bump into her.

Me and Holly Smale
Holly Smale – after a spectacular Twitter-duel over the summer, me and Holly were thrown together in Bath and I’m really glad we were. She’s a fine, funny woman and the author of the stupidly-successful Geek Girl books. We’ve done two gigs together and, with a bit of luck, we’ll do more.

Philip Reeve – because he’s Philip Reeve.
Karen and Adrian at Rosedale Retreat – doing the festivals thing, you get put up in a variety of types of accommodation. The Rosadale Retreat (where I stayed for the Hay Book Festival) wasn’t just a lovely place to stay, it had the Brucie Bonus of having Adrian and Karen as the owners. I hope to get back there soon and pick up on one of the most interesting conversations I’ve had in a LONG time.
Jenny Savill – she’s my agent and she can swear like a trooper.
Julia Eccleshare – we met at Edinburgh and her reputation preceded her enough to make me more than a bit nervous. But if there was ever a lesson to be learnt about not listening to second-hand opinion, it was on meeting Julia, who turned out to be a lovely, funny and slightly anarchic lady.

this isn’t Jesse but he took the photo for me
Jesse Owen – after lots of internetting, we finally got to meet in Bath. Jesse, despite his claims, is a bit of a hoot and very easy to talk to. I hope we get to meet up again and I hope he gets out there and grabs life by the scruff of the neck and gives it a good shaking.

Laura Heath – I don’t think I’ve ever met such an enthusiastic blogger. Meeting Laura’s a bit like watching the Muppet Show through a kaleidoscope. She’s ridiculously passionate about books and supportive above and beyond the call of duty.

Jim Dean – we met at a Geek Night in Waterstones in Kensington. He’s a fine, fine feller with enough Geeky facts up his sleeve to start an encyclopedia. Top man, Mr Dean!
Laura Vile – she’s the new Publicity Honcho at Stripes and has got her shoulders right behind Geekhood. Looking forward to making 2014 a supremely Geeky year!

On stage with Natasha
Natasha Desborough – we did the Cheltenham Literature Festival together and she’s so ridiculously laid-back, it’s envy-making. Also, her book, Weirdos vs Quimboids is the first book I’ve ever been asked to offer up a quote for. It was so funny, it wasn’t a problem.
Darran Stobbart – our paths finally crossed at the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize. Although our physical encounter was brief, it was a sheer joy to meet a like-minded Geek. The man’s a gent and you’ll find him on Twitter as @ShinraAlpha
Bloggers – just ALL of you. You’re incredible, altruistic lunatics and I’m so glad you are!
There are loads more people I could – and probably should – mention, but I think that’ll do for the minute, otherwise we’ll be here until 2015. But, if our paths crossed and we had a laugh, then consider yourself Honoured.
Happy New Year!