Motherhood in Geekhood

Now, here’s a thing. When I wrote Geekhood: Close Encounters of the Girl Kind, one of the most important characters was Mum. Although she’s not as major a player as Archie and the gang, she is very much part of Archie’s backbone, wether he’s aware of it or not. In  his world, she’s like a background noise that occasionally comes through with a Very Important Tune, like when you’ve got the radio on, but you’re not really paying attention until That Song shows up.

Primarily, the book is about Archie’s interactions with his mates and, of course, Sarah. But it’s also about Archie and his Mum and their relationship, especially as that’s changed in light of her divorce from his father. My folks split up when I was in my teens and my relationship definitely changed; rather than being just mother and son, we were thrown together as friends and forced to learn about each other as people, rather than relatives. I’m proud to say that my relationship with my mum evolved fantastically and I know her more as my Best Friend than just the woman who occasionally still does my washing.

With Archie and his mum, I didn’t want to look at the forging of their friendship as it happened, but to see how it fared with another person in the equation: Tony. It’s difficult for a parent to be all things to everyone in a situation like that; they’re parents, friends and lovers and human beings. On top of that, as a teenager, you’re changing – and pretty uncompromisingly, so the relationship can get a little blurry at times. While I’ve had some lovely feedback from teens, I’ve been waiting for a mum to let me know how Geekhood reads from their point of view. And then this turned up:

 “Geekhood wonderfully captures the endearing relationship between Archie and his mum.  Archie’s awareness of his mum’s good intentions and his understanding of her moods and motives is a bittersweet revelation ( I am a mum of three teenagers and separated from their father!).  She beautifully treads the almost impossible path between involved parenting and non-interference with diplomacy, tact and unending warmth.  This book is a must for both teenagers and their mums!
Also I love the scenes involving Archie and his mum; every conversation is written with a depth of understanding and minute and realistic observation; the minutely detailed episodes set amidst the maelstrom of circumstance and shared inner angst are heartwarmingly realistic and will resonate truly with all parents and teens.”
This was written by Jane Parks-Simons who, if I ever get to meet her, will be getting a Big Hug. I’m sure there will be people who have their own views, that differ from the experiences that I’ve put down in print and, as a result, might not feel the same way. But, in connecting with Jane, I kind of feel that what Archie’s going through in his life and what I went through in mine, can only be a positive thing, no matter how bad things seem at the time.
Next up, I’d like to get a dad’s view, as Archie’s dad has to maintain their relationship on very different terms. Any takers?
Until then, give your mum a hug and tell her you love her. It might take her by surprise, but that’s the best way to do it. It always makes my Mum laugh and that’s the best sound a son can hope for.
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